Lilydale Orthodontics is a specialist orthodontic clinic, located in the Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne dedicated to providing our children and adult patients with the highest quality of treatment in order to achieve straight teeth and beautiful smiles that last a lifetime.
Our principal orthodontists, Dr Janahan Raj and Dr Mack Poon are supported by a dedicated, approachable and friendly team of nurses and administrative staff. We offer a comprehensive range of orthodontic treatment including early interceptive treatment, growth modification treatment, fixed braces including clear and self-ligating braces and invisible Invisalign aligners.
We make ourselves accessible to our patients, during and after treatment so you can be comfortable, confident and most importantly, delighted with your new smile.
Our Team

Dr Janahan Raj
BDSc (Melb), MSc (LOND), M.Orth RCS (Eng), MRACDS (Orth)
Dr Janahan Raj completed his undergraduate degree in dentistry at the University of Melbourne in 1996, and then worked in general practice until he began his post-graduate studies in 2000. In that year, Janahan moved to England where he attended the Eastman Dental Institute. He completed his Masters in Science in Orthodontics from University College of London in 2002 and in 2003 obtained his Membership in Orthodontics from the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Janahan joined Doncaster Orthodontics on his return to Melbourne in 2004.
Janahan keeps up to date with the latest orthodontic technology and techniques by regularly attending continuing education programs in Australia and overseas. Janahan is a member of the Australian Dental Association (ADA), and a member of the Australian Society of Orthodontists. In addition, Janahan is a certified Invisalign and Incognito lingual braces practitioner. When away from work, Janahan enjoys spending time with his three young children and wife Kiri. He also enjoys travelling, playing tennis and golf and is a keen follower of cricket and football.

Dr Mack Poon
BDSc (Melb), DCD (Melb), FRACDS, M.Orth RCS (Edin), MRACDS (Orth)
Dr Mack Poon completed his Bachelor of Dental Science degree at the University of Melbourne in 1999, and subsequently became a Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons in 2003. After 5 years in general dental practice, Mack was keen to further pursue his interest in Orthodontics.
Mack qualified as an Orthodontist at the University of Melbourne in 2007 where he received his Doctor of Clinical Dentistry in Orthodontics degree. During his postgrauduate studies, he had opportunities to obtain invaluable clinical experience at the Royal Dental and Royal Children Hospitals. Mack also gained, through further examinations, Memberships of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, and Membership of the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons in Orthodontics. Professionally, Mack is affiliated with the Australian Dental Association, and is one of the Committee Councillors of the Victorian Branch of Australian Society of Orthodontists. Mack is also a certified Invisalign and Incognito lingual braces practitioner, offering various aesthetic treatment options for patients.
Outside of orthodontics, Mack enjoys spending time with his family. With his wife, Rovenna, they often engage in travelling and bushwalking.
Administrative Staff & Nurses
The orthodontists are supported by a group of highly dedicated and friendly administrative staff and chair side nurses. We all take pride in making that extra effort and time to ensure that your experience with us is a pleasant, memorable and comfortable one.
To arrange a consultation, please give us a call today on 03 9735 1688.